1. What is Minoxidil?
Minoxidil is the only FDA approved and most widely used ingredient for hair regrowth as of today. It was first used as an oral drug to lower blood pressure. It was soon found to stimulate hair growth in those who took it to lower blood pressure. Rigorous clinical studies have confirmed this “side effect” and its FAD approvals for hair regrowth as topical solutions were granted (This is very similary to the discovery of finasteride, another main product in the arsenal to fight hair loss). In the 1988, UpJohn Corporation (now known as Rogaine) came out with a topical formulation of Minoxidil at 2%. In the 1990's, UpJohn's patent expired causing the price to come down due numerous generic forms of Minoxidil hitting the market. Rogaine subsequently came out with a 5% Minoxidil solution. Now some Clinics are offering 15% minoxidil to those who do not have satisfactory results with 5% minoxidil.
2. How does Minoxidil work?
Minoxidil stimulates hair growth in individuals with male & female patterned baldness (also hereditary hair loss, or Androgenic Alopecia) . However the mechanism of action is not known. We do know it does not affect the levels of DHT, which is how Propecia works. Most people believe Minoxidil works in part by partially enlarging the hair follicles and reversing the miniaturization process. By enlarging miniaturized follicles, the growth phase of the hair cycle is prolonged, allowing the hair to become longer and thicker looking. And with more follicles in the growth phase at the same time, it is possible to see improved coverage of the scalp.
3. Who can use Minoxidil?
Minoxidil Topical Solution may be appropriate for you if you are an adult who is at least 18 years old and experiencing gradually thinning hair. It works best for those who have the vertex/ crown hair loss. We have notice the minoxidil also works great for those who have diffuse hair thinning or frontal hair loss, particularly when the minoxidil product is enhanced with DHT blockers like finasteride and azelaic acid.
4. Who should NOT use Minoxidil Topical Solution?
People with a history of hypersensitivity to any of the component of the preparation of the Minoxidil Topical Solution should not use it.
People with any heart problems should not use it.
People who are pregnant or nursing should not it.
Minoxidil Topical Solution will not prevent or improve hairloss which may occur with the use of some prescription and non-prescription medications, certain severe nutritional problems (very low body iron; excessive vitamin A intake), low thyroid states (hypothyroidism), chemotherapy, or diseases which cause scarring of the scalp. Also, Minoxidil Topical Solution will not improve hairloss due to: damage from the use of hair care products which cause scarring or deep burns of the scalp. hair grooming methods such as cornrowing or ponytails which require pulling the hair tightly back from the scalp. You should ask your doctor if you are unsure of the cause of your hairloss.
5. How soon can I expect results from using Minoxidil Topical Solution?
Since normal hair usually grows only 1/2 to 1 inch per month, hair regrowth with Minoxidil Topical Solution also takes time. Generally new hair growth is slow for a Minoxidil Topical Solution user. Continued use 2 times a day for at least 4 months is usually needed before you notice hair regrowth. If you do not see hair regrowth in 12 months, stop using Minoxidil Topical Solution and see your doctor. When you first begin to use Minoxidil Topical Solution, your hairloss may continue up to four weeks. This hairloss is temporary. If you continue to lose hair after four weeks, see your doctor.
6. How long do I need to use Minoxidil Topical Solution?
If you respond to Minoxidil Topical Solution, you need to use it 2 times a day to keep and continue the hair regrowth. Up to 12 months of use may be needed to see your best results from Minoxidil Topical Solution.
8. What if I miss a dose or forget to use Minoxidil Topical Solution?
If you miss one or two daily doses of Minoxidil Topical Solution, just continue with your next dose. You should not make up for missed doses.
9. Can I use Minoxidil Topical Solution more than twice a day? Will it work faster, better?
No. Minoxidil Topical Solution will not work faster or better if used more than two times a day. Studies have been carefully conducted to determine the correct amount of Minoxidil Topical Solution needed to get the best results. More frequent use or larger doses have not been shown to speed up hair growth and may increase your chance of side effects.
10. What are the most common side effects with Minoxidil Topical Solution?
The most common side effects are itching and other skin irritations of the treated area of the scalp. Minoxidil Topical Solution contains alcohol, which would cause burning or irritation of the eyes or sensitive skin areas. If Minoxidil Topical Solution accidentally gets into these areas, rinse with large amounts of cool tap water. Contact your doctor if irritation persists.
11. What kind of shampoo should I use with Minoxidil Topical Solution?
If you wash your scalp before applying Minoxidil Topical Solution, use a mild shampoo. It is best to use a mild ketoconazole shampoo such as Lipogaine shampoo.
13. Can I have my hair colored or permed or use hair relaxers while using Minoxidil Topical Solution?
We have no information that these treatments change the effect of Minoxidil Topical Solution. However, to avoid possible scalp irritation, you should make sure all of the Minoxidil Topical Solution has been washed off the hair and scalp before using these chemicals.
14. Can I apply Minoxidil Topical Solution and wash my hair an hour later?
No. For Minoxidil Topical Solution to work best, you should allow Minoxidil Topical Solution to remain on the scalp for about 3 hours before washing.
15. Can I go swimming or out in the rain?
Yes, as long as you use good judgment. Avoid washing off the Minoxidil Topical Solution. If possible, apply Minoxidil Topical Solution to a dry scalp after swimming, or wait about 3 hours after application before going swimming. Do not let your scalp get wet from the rain after applying Minoxidil Topical Solution.
16. Can Minoxidil Topical Solution produce unwanted hair growth?
Unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body has been reported. This may be due to the frequent applying of Minoxidil Topical Solution on the areas of the skin other than the scalp. To prevent unwanted hair growth, limit the application of Minoxidil Topical Solution only to the scalp.
17. Can I use Minoxidil Topical Solution for baldness or hairloss in babies and children?
No. Minoxidil Topical Solution must not be used to treat baldness or hairloss in babies and children.
18. Is 15% Minoxidil more effective than 5% Minoxidil?
Yes, it is much more effective. Minoxidil is dose-dependent. The higher the dose of Minoxidil, the better the results. Using 15% Minoxidil does not give you faster results and 5%, but will cause the regrowth of more hair and thicker hair.
19. Is Topical Minoxidil safe?
Topical Minoxidil has an excellent safety record. The most common side effects are itching and skin irritation of the treated scalp. Unwanted hair growth may occur in areas adjacent to treatment sites, which can be little distressing to women when the face is involved. There were no clinically significant systemic side effects as compared to placebo.
20. Can both men and women use Minoxidil?
Yes. There has been numerous studies showing Minoxidil causes clinically significant hair growth in both men and women. However, women is not recommended to use any minoxidil higher than 5%.
21. Can Minoxidil increase as well as maintain my hair count?
In the studies conducted by UpJohn, 59% of men had some regrowth of hair at 12 months and it is at least as beneficial in women. Some men maintained their hair without growing new hair. Continuous use is necessary to maintain the hair gained by use of minoxidil.
What happens if I completely stop using Minoxidil Topical Solution?
Will I keep the new hair? Continuous use of Minoxidil Topical Solution is needed to maintain hair regrowth. If you stop using Minoxidil Topical Solution, the normal hairloss process will start again. You will probably lose your newly regrown hair in three to four months. - See more at:
22. How long will it take for Minoxidil to work?
Thick hairs have been seen as early as 4 months into treatment, but usually the full benefit from Minoxidil is not see for 12- 14 months.
23. How long do I have to take Minoxidil?
Minoxidil is a treatment for hair loss and not a cure. You need to take Minoxidil for as long as you want to continue to benefit from its use. If you stop taking Minoxidil, you will likely lose any hair you have gained within several months of stopping treatment.
24. Does topical Minoxidil interact with other medications?
There are currently no known drug interactions associated with the use of topical Minoxidil solutions.
25. Is Minoxidil as effective as Finasteride (Propecia)?
Minoxidil and Finasteride are two FAD approved product for hair loss treatment. They work by different mechanisms (Read the Minoxidil Review and Finasteride Review to know our detailed analysis of these two products). The success rate are similar between 5% minoxidil (twice daily) and 1 mg finasteride pill (once a day) .
26. Would using a topical Minoxidil solution in combination with Propecia® be more effective than Minoxidil alone?
YES. We constantly see in dermatological diseases using a combination of medications with different mechanisms of action, works better than either one when used alone. Propecia® and Minoxidil work on different mechanisms of action.
There was a study looking at the Stump Tail Macaque Monkey, who appears to have a similar pattern of balding as humans. There were three study groups of monkeys; one group of monkeys were treated with Minoxidil alone, another group of monkeys were treated with Propecia® alone, and the last group of monkeys were treated with both Propecia® and Minoxidil. The monkeys who had both Propecia® and Minoxidil grew significantly more hair than the monkeys that had a single form of treatment. Unfortunately, there has been no studies presently performed on humans to prove this point.
27. How should I apply the Minoxidil solution?
You should apply the 1 ML of Minoxidil solution via a "dropper" directly messaged in with your fingers to the balding scalp 2 times a day, once in the morning and once at night. We do not recommend to apply the Minoxidil solution by a "spray method" or a "dab method" because most of the solution does not get to the required location (i.e.-the skin and hair follicles), it just gets applied and dries on your hair, where it is not effective.
28. Is it true I might notice an increase in shedding of hairs following the initiation of Minoxidil?
Yes. Hair grows in a cyclical nature. The growth phase (anagen) of scalp hair lasts 4-7 years. Then the hair follicle goes into a resting phase (telogen) which lasts approximately 3 months. As the new hairs grow in, the old hairs are released resulting in shedding. When you start Minoxidil, some of the hair follicles may be shifted from the resting phase into the growth phase resulting in a temporary increase in shedding. This increase in shedding usually starts 2-6 weeks after beginning treatment and subsides within a few weeks.
29. If I place it on a wet scalp what will happen?
Topical drugs actually penetrate the skin much more effectively when the skin is wet. Therefore, theoretically, Minoxidil potency would be increased. Please make sure that you skin is just wet, not with drops of water. Otherwise the water will change the composition of the minoxidil product and make it more difficult to be absorbed.
30 .Instruction for use of Applicator (drooper).
The dropper can be useful for a broad range of hair styles or hairloss because it allows for easy application through the hair and directly onto the scalp.
a). Squeeze the rubber bulb and insert the dropper into the bottle. Release the bulb, allowing the dropper to fill to the 1 mL line. If the level of the solution is above the 1 mL line, squeeze the extra amount back into the bottle.
b). Next, place the tip near the part of the scalp you want to treat and gently squeeze the bulb to gradually release the solution. To prevent the solution from running off the scalp, apply a small amount at a time.
c). If you have large area you need to cover and 1 mL is not sufficient, you can alternate the areas where the solution is applied. keep in mind the solution will diffuse once it is absorbed. It is not necessary to cover your entire area you want to treat each time.
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Begin your hair regrowth journey with The Hair Clinic. Contact us now.
(09) 523-5999
89 Greenlane East
Remuera, Auckland 1050