Understanding Hair Loss For Women Over 40: What You Should Know
Ageing brings change, and one change that many women over 40 notice is thinning hair, increased hair shedding and hair loss. Hair loss can be emotionally distressing and negatively impact self-image and mental health, so understanding your situation better can help you find the right path forward.
Why Are You Losing Your Hair?
“Why am I losing my hair?” This is a question that many women in their 40s have asked themselves. You might wonder this as well if you’ve noticed these symptoms:
More hair is left on your brush or comb after you’ve used it.
You find more hair on your pillow, towel, clothes or in your shower drain.
Your hair visibly looks thinner.
You can see more of your scalp through your hair.
In general, women experience three main kinds of hair loss:
Female Pattern Hair Loss. Also known as androgenetic alopecia, this is where hair thins mostly on the tops and sides of the head. This is the most common form of female hair loss.
Anagen Effluvium. This type of hair loss is often caused by medications that compromise growing hair follicles.
Telogen Effluvium. The telogen phase is the phase of your hair’s growth cycle when the hair rests. Telogen effluvium is where an increased number of follicles reach this phase and then shed.
As for why you are experiencing hair loss, here are some reasons why women experience hair shedding, thinning and loss:
Genetics. Conditions like female pattern baldness are hereditary and can be passed down from your parents. If your family members have alopecia, you are more likely to experience it as well.
Hormonal Changes. Many women reach their premenopause phase when they reach their 40s. During this phase, hormonal levels can become unpredictable. Estrogen supports the scalp and hair, so when estrogen levels become imbalanced, you could experience symptoms like hair loss and thinning. Because of this, post partum women may also experience hair loss due to their hormonal changes.
Stress. Overwhelming stress can also cause hair loss, as well as many other unfortunate physical and mental symptoms.
Nutritional Deficiencies. Certain nutrients and minerals like iron, biotin and vitamin A can help keep our hair strong and healthy. A diet lacking in hair-supporting nutrients can cause hair thinning and loss, as well as other side effects.
Damaging Hair Care. Be mindful of how you care for your hair. Excessive heat, chemicals and over-styling can damage your hair and scalp. If you are trying to encourage hair regrowth, please consider gentle hair care treatments.
Choosing The Proper Hair Regrowth Treatment Plan For Your Situation
Hair loss is a multifaceted topic. Your treatment will largely depend on the following:
The Reason For Your Hair Loss. The reason for your hair loss will help us decide the best approach to your hair regrowth journey. We often recommend a varied approach to hair regrowth, taking multiple steps to improve your chances of success. For example, along with a treatment plan involving procedures like Platelet-Rich Plasma, we can also talk about lifestyle changes involving healthily managing stress and improving your diet.
Your Preferences. Naturally, we strongly prioritise your physical and mental health, and we want you to be comfortable and positive when you work with us. We encourage you to be open and honest about how you are feeling and your comfort levels when we discuss your options with us. This way, we can learn more about your preferences, and we can choose treatments that you feel good about. If you want to start with less invasive treatments and then go from there, then we can begin with more straightforward options like topical and oral medications. However, if you are interested in minimally invasive options, then we can explore procedures like PRP treatment, microneedling and other similar options.
How We At The Hair Clinic Can Help
We prioritise reliable, medically-based treatments for hair regrowth. While we cannot guarantee results for any of our treatment options, we will continuously work hard with you to find the right pathway for your hair regrowth. We diligently work with each and every patient to maximise your potential for hair regrowth while ensuring you are comfortable with your treatment plan.
Hair loss can be uncomfortable and emotionally distressing. Many individuals, regardless of age or gender, greatly care about their appearance and their hair, so we understand how upsetting this situation can be. Regardless of why you’re losing your hair or what stage of hair loss you’re in, we’re here to talk.
To learn more about hair loss in women, please visit our website. An easy way to begin your path is to take our simple online test. Please note that this online test is entirely free of obligation and price - even if you take it, you do not have to go through with any treatment if you don’t feel like it’s the right choice for you.
For personalised help, we welcome you to call us on (09) 523 5999 or use our contact page.
The Hair Clinic: Let’s discover the proper hair treatment for you.